Janet’s thoughts on the Seminole’s of Florida

The Seminoles of Florida came to the state many centuries ago. Seminole culture was matriarchal. Spain owned Florida. Spain outlawed slavery. The Spaniards forfeited the state in order to pay off the debt to the US. May slaves from Georgia moved to Florida and intermarried with the Native Americans. The term maroon came from the term Spanish word Cimaroon meaning runaway. US general who was later to become United State president, committed an international incident which led to the sale of Florida to the United States. During the war of 1812, the British convinced the Seminole to ally with them against the Americans. There was a fort named Fort Bluff which was given to the African American slaves. Many slaves took refuge there. The United States destroyed the fort, but later rebuilt it to cover up for their crime.

There were three Seminole wars. These wars led to the removal of some Seminoles being placed on reservations in Oklahoma. There was the Battle of Faltown. At this time, Seminole Indians attacked a boat of soldiers and their families during their trip down the Flint River. The three Seminole Wars were 1817-1818, 1835-1842, and 1855-1858. There was the massacre. Osceola son of a Seminole women and a Scotsman. He was a great warrior. The Seminoles prize courage in battle greatly. The United States media discover this and crucify the Seminoles. The United States government sends troops in and much to their dismay discover how hot Florida summers can be. The Seminole people always fought for their rights. The Seminole people live in Florida and now own gambling casinos. They opened up the casinos in 1979. They are the most profitable in the world.